
Girls ' programs at the library

Al-Durr annual forum
An annual forum aimed at exploiting girls ' time and training them to display skills
Within the group of craft programs and workshops

English language course
It is implemented in partnership with the Gulf Institute and aims to learn the basics of English grammar, and provide applicants with language skills.

Epic enlightening contests
We aim to promote the culture of participation in competitions at an early stage in various scientific fields
To promote a culture of excellence and creativity
Munira Al-muhallam scientific research competition-speech arena competition-reading competition and electronic summarization .

Various professional workshops
It aims to enhance the value of handicrafts among girls and use their leisure time for their own benefit
(Mobile maintenance workshop –decoupage)


السادة الزوار يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر ملئ الحقول ادناه وارسالة رسالة بيدية الينا وسوف يتم التواصل معكم في اقرب وقت