
Training in the library

Training at the Munira Al-Melhem library

It is a set of skills and experiences provided by the library to the student, within an institutional framework, or within one of the practice journals, so that knowledge is provided in a broad and intentional manner, with the aim of transferring students from the level of limited knowledge in terms of skills, trends, and understanding to a better level that enables them to practice service and qualify them to the labor market.
The purpose of the training programs:
- Providing students with the opportunity to gain practical experience before graduation.
- Providing students with experience and abilities in applying the concepts and theories studied to practical reality.
- Providing students with practical experience in project planning and organization under direct supervision and encouraging initiative.
- Training students to take responsibility, punctuality, dealing with and respecting other employees, and listening to their opinions.


السادة الزوار يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر ملئ الحقول ادناه وارسالة رسالة بيدية الينا وسوف يتم التواصل معكم في اقرب وقت