
Cultural councils

Voluntary bodies that include elite intellectuals who volunteer their effort and time, working on proposing programs for cultural activities, on general socio-economic and cultural topics, of interest to various sectors of society .

Cultural Council of the House of science

A volunteer body that includes a group of intellectuals from the Al-Jouf region who volunteer their effort and time to contribute to enriching the cultural movement in the region .it works on proposing cultural programs and activities on topics of interest to the region. the council holds its meetings periodically.

Advisory Board of Dar Al-Rahmaniya

A voluntary organization from the people of Al-Ghat governorate that works to activate cultural mobility by involving interested members of the local community in developing an annual plan for cultural activities, and working on its implementation.

Cultural Council of the women's Department

Both the women's Section at Dar Al-Uloom in Al-Jawf and the women's Section at Dar Al-Rahmaniyah in Al-Ghat have a Cultural Council consisting of a number of volunteers interested in cultural affairs in Al-Jawf and Al-Ghat.


السادة الزوار يمكنكم التواصل معنا عبر ملئ الحقول ادناه وارسالة رسالة بيدية الينا وسوف يتم التواصل معكم في اقرب وقت